This page provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on this site. If you have additional questions, feel free to either leave a comment here or email me at [email protected].


What’s wrong with the release posts? Why are they linking to the wrong chapters?

The release posts link to old chapters because other sites tend to use bots to copy the pages my posts link to. To get to the actual chapters, scroll down on the post until you get to the comments section, then click on the emoticons in my comment. The emoticons contain links to the chapters in chronological order.

Why does the table of contents have chapter links that don’t work?

Some readers like to know when the arc ends ahead of time, so I update the ToC at the start of each arc. (It also reduces the amount of time I put into updating the site so I can put more time into tling)

Is there a way to subscribe to updates for this site?

Currently, I use novelupdates as my main way of getting updates out to readers. I find novelupdates the most convenient platform because readers can get updates to all the series they follow, not just mine, and I usually announce releases on novelupdates after double-checking that the new chapters and posts have published correctly.